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January 17, 2020


One evening my wife and i were reading in bed,our five year old daughter appeared at the door,she was upset.
"Honey,whats wrong" we asked.
" I'm afraid " she said.
She explain that his two year old little brother was asleep on the couch and it was dark.
she said his little brother was afraid of the dark.
We tried to assured her it was okay.
she left and didn't say a word.
we didn't think too much about it and we went back reading.
10 or 15 minutes must have pass by,it was quiet.
My wife decided to check on our little girl to make sure she was okay.
She couldn't find her upstairs so she decided to check downstairs.As she came down the stairs she saw something she would never forget.
On our couch in that dark little room were our two little children sound asleep.
Our daughter was by his little brothers side laying over him.
As she got closer she notice our daughter had been crying,she had been protecting her little brother.
She was able to overcome her fear because she cared more about him than what she was afraid of.

Been courageous doesn't mean you aren't afraid; it just means you can care more about something else than what you fear.
Leaders who cares over comes their fears.
Courageous leaders do what is right ,not what is easiest


Story by Chimaobi

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