The political space is dysfunctional and currently taken over by hawks. But we need YOU to improve it and help design a future that we want.
You may want to contest an election. But you do not
have to to still make a difference.
You may want to contribute in shaping ideas and policies and influencing culture.
Most importantly because there is an inferno razing through our dear country; parochial leaders, vested interest groups and their agent have taken over aiming to shut all well discerning citizens out. Yes! We must break through and stop them before it is too late.
So you cannot afford to stand akimbo and watch things continue to degenerate.
You have to be one of the Change Agents to restore our country to dignity.
If you are Ready to Engage and Qwn the process and see Nigeria grow, Join ADC Today.
As a party member you contribute to framing the ideology, values, and culture of the party to gain the mandate of the people to govern. Whether or not one intends to run for office or serve in government, being a member ADC gives a person the voice as a citizen in influencing leadership and political choices, social changes and policy direction.
To make sure ADC stays on course all through, we have the ADC – DNA to guide our every move, and our Policy of RADICAL TRANSPARENCY ensures an open system that hones financial fidelity and volunteerism. What’s more, members in good financial standing are entitled to monthly Bank account statements and quarterly financial reports by the Financial Officers National Conference.
For a country with so much social challenges as Nigeria, with corrupt provincial political tin-gods offering inept and lacklustre leadership, and derailing the course of progress for its’ over 200million citizens, it makes common-sense for the good citizens to join a political party worthy of their trust; and participate in bringing about desirable changes. Some parties pay and entice people with money to join them, but the African Democratic Congress, ADC, is different. We are a model, transformation-driven platform that leverages on inclusion, a culture laden with diversity values and Radical Transparency. Our HANDSHAKE symbol is not just a party sign; but an authentic expression of warmth and who we are. ADC is a public trust, open to all well-meaning persons, and is financed essentially with dues paid by its members, and donations also from members and public spirited persons who share our views and values. ADC embraces the fine ethos of democracy and corporate governance, with its budgeting and quarterly audited accounts statements open to all its members and the general public.
Every ADC member is required to:
Pay a one-time registration fee of 500Naira only; and
Pay monthly membership dues of 1000naira only.
A member in good standing enjoys many benefits; members are entitled to all privileges that accrue to bona fide members of the party; and can participate in ADC's various empowerment, knowledge sharing and learning platforms, takes part in any electoral contest, can vote, and can also be voted for. Other incentives for members are listed, but not limited, to the following;
10% Discounts on all nomination forms for National elections for members who have been consistent with their memberships dues for 4 years prior to the elections, and 30% discount for LGA elections.
Gets 25% of the marks during any screening exercise.
Qualifies one to participate in seeking for ADC party sponsorship benefit during elections. ADC aims to sponsor at least 1% of its candidates during elections to a substantial degree.
Qualifies one to participate in ADC Annual raffle draws for members only. For which prizes will include Tractors, Cars, Generators, Electronics, Laptops, Phones, and Books or equivalent in monetary values.
WHY DO WE INSIST ON PAYING FEES: ADC wants to remain a party truly owned by its members, a Public Trust in truth; Not controlled by any God fathers or money bags which is the case with the others. The ADC’s why become a member template is a well thought out and creative way to navigate the murky, highly polluted and complicated local political terrain that has become a dungeon in our time. System and process failures start when big money take control. With a critical number of quality minds identifying and paying their dues and a few making token donations ADC can organize, mobilize, and run it’s promotions, trainings and events to put the party in a good pedestal to win in all elections. We have devised a way to trump the corrupting influence of big Money.
ADC understands the situation in the country, and the poverty that has resulted due to the continued bad Governance of the ruling parties, this must Change when ADC comes to power. So we permit None fees paying membership status for those who are that challenged.
Nigeria’s system is “supposedly” a liberal democracy with a tri-cameral Presidential system modeled after the US, a tripod consisting the Executive arm, Legislative arm and the Judiciary. The system should run on justice and rule of law, and to check and balance each other for harmony and process flow to leverage the country and people. Citizens are free to contest elections to fill electable government positions; President, Governor, LGA Chairman tiers of the executive branches, or the Legislature; Senate, House of Representatives, State House of Assembly and Councillors. Elections are supposed to be free, fair and credible. BUT WE ALL KNOW THE SITUATION; the executive branches at all levels abuse the system and the other branches seem to succumb for various reasons. These are part of the challenges we must deal. As a party member, one can contest any of these positions. Also one can serve I government as a Minister, Commissioner, Supervisor, Adviser, Legislative Aid, and or Board Member and Ambassador or Envoy to a foreign country. Outside Political Office, one can play a role in deciding who gets elected, and also contribute in framing the ideology, values, and culture of the party and policy direction of their Local councils, States, and the Country. So whether or not one intends to run for office or serve in government, being a member of a political party gives a person the voice of a Citizen.
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