Today the 15th of January, I join all patriots to honour the heroes and
gallant soldiers that sacrificed their lives in the service of this
country. ADC NEC and entire membership remain in prayers and solidarity
for the family members of these illustrious patriots, and to the many
men and women who sustained injuries in their military carrier, and all
current members of the armed forces and their the families. But it is
painful that the elite
s within the
executive branch, judiciary, administration of the MDAs and even the
military and security agencies seem to be callous, unmindful and even
revving up the parochial and faulty politics that undermine the nation’s
diversity and democracy. This does not portend well for our country.
The Nigeria environment has become more toxic under the current national
leadership and the failures of the past years. With courage ADC will
continue to showcase the right path and values. The ADC DNA will ensure
that again, our people and Nation will Arise and Shine in unison.
Ralphs Okey Nwosu. National Chairman ADC
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