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September 06, 2019

Dear Friends;
It takes a warm handshake to become part of a deeply transformative political process.
Many years have been invested in the construction of the AFRICAN DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS, ADC, as a model of sustainable political platform. Luckily, the Party has become the fastest growing political party in Nigeria. This journey has exposed the weaknesses within the nation’s political firmament, and our nation-building efforts. We in ADC have learned from our own failings, and from the failures within the greater ecosystems of partisanship and political practice in the country. The deafening noise, the lack of patriotism, the corruption, high-handedness, injustices, divisiveness, and marginalization, have been as a result of leadership myopia, and elite hypocrisy. Effective transformational leadership with knowledge-driven protocols are the elixirs to our nation-building enterprise.
The ADC nation building, governance, and Call to Action frame-works begin with a warm handshake, and learning and living the disciplines of the ADC role-modelling leadership paradigm. The culture of the handshake is enlivening, builds bridges, expands borders and inspires creativity and the relational agility that opens our world to limitless opportunities. Leaders who are intent on inspiring action from their followers and colleagues by modelling the role they expect of others, are highly ethical, thoughtful, mindful, and are inherent part of building a new horizon. This kind of leadership climate inspires selflessness and the best public spirited results. I am sure this is the kind of political platform you would like to join.
Are you proud of your situation, the state of your community, local council, state, Nigeria, Africa, and even the world community as they are today? Most especially, what do you want to change in your immediate vicinity?
You do not have to answer. But do not be held captive by the past or present. SUNK COSTS, like spilt milk, CAN ONLY STINK until one decides to move on. We can complain about failed projects, wasted opportunities, the divisiveness, the stench of corruption, and injustices around us to no end. Please do not stand aloof, or remain passive, or take an opportunistic stance, or decide to jump into the bazaar. However you may feel, I believe you can still make a difference.
Whatever your thoughts or dreams may be, I recommend you start by extending that symbolic and genuine handshake to persons within your immediate environment. Extend this warmth within your community. It is not about money. It is about participation, about organizing, and about leadership, and it is about doing so in an authentic and inclusive manner. ADC has a lot of outreach programs designed to hone your skills.
Are you a professional: a doctor, or lawyer, a sports personality, entrepreneur, trader, or mechanic? Can you volunteer your services, skills or time to serve and empower others, to inspire, guide, mentor colleagues and younger people, to leverage your space? Have you identified causes that you are endeared to? You can impact your space by whatever skills you have. Obama was involved in community organizing, Mandela was involved in activism and liberation movement, Zik and Nkrumah were involved in independence movements. In our society today many causes abound: the environment, organizing lessons for out-of-school kids, literacy program for traders and artisans, providing help for elders, medical emergencies and outreaches, legal aids, reading reactivation, and change advocacy. Volunteerism and relational agility are critical for anyone who hopes to be successful in public service.
Whatever your background, you can do something. You are a HANDSHAKE away from activating the journey of leading your dream, and fulfilling a destiny call in serving the people, our government, country, and humanity. Feel free, join this political movement. I am sure you will become a great thinker, a revolutionary and positive change-maker, an accomplished public servant. Joining ADC might just be your epiphany.
I specially invite you to volunteer to be a significant part of this transformative political process championed by my party the African Democratic Congress, ADC, so that Nigeria will Arise and Shine. ADC is anchored on Inclusion, it will be a privilege to have you and many of your friends join us in this journey. We aim to build the most dynamic, people centered, progressive, and transformative political organization. Let’s Go to Work. You belong with us; Arise and shine!
ADC , Arise!; ADC, Arise!!; AD&C, Arise and Shine Nigeria.
Ralphs Okey Nwosu, National Chairman ADC
Our task is not to foresee the future, but to enable it.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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